Hey! I’m Marga...And you’ve stumbled across my little stretch of Internet space. I’m an (mostly!) Italian girl who loves to cook. Does this mean you’re in for pasta recipe after pasta recipe? Not a chance. I love all types of cuisine and working on cooking them well is a passion of mine. So while you’ll see plenty of parmiagiano, you’ll also see cumin, chile peppers and most importantly love in all my dishes!
Why Marga? And why now??
Well folks, I love cooking. Always have, and I suppose always will. So writing about something I love seems like a fun new adventure to take. And it’s summer, so I find myself with some time of my hands, so now seems like a dandy time!
Have you ever had a meal that made you so sublimely happy, so utterly euphoric, that you remembered it forever? That’s the kind of cooking I strive for. Don’t get me wrong, I have hits, and I sure as hell have misses. Just ask my dear boyfriend Mike. But the point is, I always get back up, and try again. And this is what has made me the cook I am today. Formal training? None. Chefs in my family? I don’t think so.
I grew up in a family where food brought people together. There’s nothing like coming home to a home-cooked meal and talking about the day. To me, that’s the very best part of the day. My Mom instilled that in me, hers in her. That’s just how we do it. To this day, every family event is planned around food. And I’m glad.
I’d have to say my biggest influence is my Mom. She’s an amazing cook. She taught me almost everything I know about seasoning and experimenting in the kitchen. Aside from people in my life, I am a Food Network/Cooking Channel addict. Except for a select few chefs, I love pretty much all of them. There are just too many to name. Also, anyone who has taken the time to write a cookbook or food blog in the past, I have to give kudos. They give me daily inspiration to get off my butt and cook!